Our Mission is to provide training and resources to families and educators to improve mental health for minorities. Our goal is to Increase understanding, Reduce Stigma, Expand Options, and Provide presenting support with Mental Health.
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglass
Let Us Endure the Course With You!
ETCINC seeks to support families, school officials, and clinicians to positively manage mental health struggles. Our Supportive Parenting and Practitioner Principles were developed from a variety of theoretical practices, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Brief Solution Focused Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Therapeutic Play, and Family Systems with a focus on client support.
Whether you feel confused or depressed, experience emotional pain, face or avoid fears, or deal with other issues in your personal or business life, counseling may help you. Counseling is your opportunity to discuss your specific problems in complete confidentiality with a Licensed Professional Counselor. The goal of counseling is to help you better cope with the issues in your life. You may meet weekly or more or less according to your needs. Depending on your issues, you may need individual, group, couples, family counseling, or some of each. From children to adults, help is a phone call away. Ask for help - you don’t have to struggle alone.
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